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- Giménez-Santana, A. & Caplan, J. (2024). Empowering Youth to become Co-producers of Public Safety: Implementation of Data-Informed Community Engagement in Newark, NJ. In P. Boxer & R. Travis (Eds). The Future of Youth Violence Prevention: A Mixtape for Practice, Policy, and Research. Rutgers University Press.
- Chichester, K., Drawve, G., Sisson, M., Giménez-Santana, A., McCleskey, B., Goodin, B. R., Mrug, S., Walker, J. T., Cropsey, K. (2023). Crime and Features of the Built Environment Predicting Risk of Fatal Overdose: A Comparison of Rural and Urban Ohio Counties with Risk Terrain Modeling. American Journal of Criminal Justice.
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- Giménez-Santana, A., Medina, J. E., Miró, F. (2018). Risk Terrain Modeling for road safety: Identifying accident-related environmental factors in the province of Cádiz, Spain. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.
- Giménez-Santana, A., Caplan, J. M., Drawve, G. (2018). Risk Terrain Modeling and Socio-Economic Stratification: Identifying Risky Places for Violent Crime Victimization in Bogotá, Colombia. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.
- Giménez Santana, A. (2018). The nexus between contexts of crime risk and socioeconomic inequality on the rate of violent crime victimization: evidence from variations across neighborhoods in Bogotá, Chicago, and Paris (Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-Graduate School-Newark).